Who Can Benefit From Infrared Sauna Use?

Short answer – almost everyone!!  The infrared sauna at Acadia Yurts is an amazing wellness tool with countless benefits and it is our belief that most people would benefit from regular sauna use.  We always recommend checking with a physician if you have certain conditions that may be exacerbated by increased circulation and/or heat.  The folks who should consider consulting a doctor first might be clients with heart disease, extremely high/low blood pressure, seizures, pregnancy or skin disorders to name a few.

While there are a few groups of people who should avoid the sauna, there are also many conditions that can benefit greatly with infrared use!  We at Acadia Yurts own a Sunlighten Full-Spectrum, Commercial Infrared Sauna.  According to their website, the primary benefits their saunas provide include:

  • Detoxification – infrared saunas promote effortless, deep, productive sweat so your body can heal and maintain good health

  • Heart Health – increases circulation and can lower blood pressure

  • Muscle Recovery – deliver more oxygen to your cells for faster recovery and pain relief

  • Anti-Aging – support your skin with near and far infrared to boost collagen/elastic production and increased circulation

  • Relaxation – Sunlighten Saunas use therapeutic heat that leaves you physically restored and mentally refreshed

  • Immune Health – hyperthermia (warming the body to simulate a fever) helps to kick your immune system in to overdrive to attack any unwanted pathogens

  • Weight Loss – Sunlighten Saunas create a passive workout during usage- stimulating sluggish metabolism and burning fat

Given all the benefits, the next logical question is, who would benefit from using a sauna and why?  Below we have identified a few of the many demographics of people we see using the sauna:

  • People who use their body physically for work or play!  The sauna helps with circulation to cut down on recovery time to get you back doing what you love whether it be work or play.  Runners, cyclists, skiers, hikers, paddlers or those with physical jobs like gardeners, carpenters and lobstermen/women.  Anything you do that demands physicality from your body would benefit from time in the sauna to keep you mobile.

  • Those suffering from Lyme Disease.  Sauna usage can help the body detox heavy metals and fat-soluble toxins out of the body through sweat.  Infrared heat can assist the immune system by increasing circulation to allow the medication (if prescribed) to reach all parts of the body efficiently. Infrared saunas also relax the muscles and joints, providing much needed pain relief during your Lyme treatment.

  • People with arthritis.  A study in the Netherlands found that far-infrared wavelengths helped patients with rheumatoid arthritis feel less fatigue, pain and stiffness.  Sunlighten Saunas are full spectrum and thus utilize near, mid, and far infrared.  Those suffering from arthritis might also try the Pain Relief setting.

  • People fighting depression.  Many studies are being done about the possible use of heat as opposed to, or in conjunction with, prescription medications to help combat depression.  These studies are looking at many promising aspects including: body temperature dysregulation, heart disease, sleep disruptions, exercise habits, inflammation, neural signals from skin to brain and more in their relationship with depression.  We will keep a close eye on this research and continue to share what we find out!

  • People sensitive to heat.  The reason this is NOT strange is because our sauna is controlled manually, so people who are sensitive to heat can control the temperature themselves to remain comfortable.  Infrared is best used at a lower temperature but for longer periods of time so think 130 degrees for 45 minutes as opposed to 150 degrees for 10 minutes.  You will get more from the session the longer you can stay in because the infrared wavelengths are penetrating your body, tissue, muscles and joints directly.  If you are sensitive to heat, then we have two suggestions:

    • Begin your session at 115° and manually raise the temperature as you feel more comfortable. 

    • Or, begin your session as the sauna is warming.  This allows the transition to be more gradual as opposed to coming in off the street and getting into the room already warm.

We are happy to facilitate both of these options if patrons communicate the need to us ahead of time.

  • Anyone who needs an hour to themselves, which can mean pretty much everyone!  The sauna has numerous health benefits but it is also very relaxing and every single person could benefit from a little more relaxation in their life.

Acadia Yurts and Wellness Center is located in Southwest Harbor Maine and operates year-round.  We see a seasonal ebb and flow to the sauna usage with fall/winter being very popular and peak summer being less so.  We are happy to consult you on your individual needs and look forward to partnering with you for better health!